1. To sign the app instruction given below... 2. Folder name => D:\Kiruthika\playstore_srm 3. Alias name = srmschoolps 4. pwd = srmeschoolps New descripition 28-08-2021 (Saravanakumar) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD To Build Given Below... Step 1: ionic cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\srmschoolkey.keystore" --storePassword=srmeschoolps --alias=srmschoolps Step 2: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore srmschoolkey.keystore android.apk srmschoolps Step 3: jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs android.apk Step 4: zipalign -v 4 android.apk srmschools.apk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Above Mentioned CMD Description Step 1 for taking un-signed build. Step 1 Desc1: ionic cordova build android (common CMD) Step 1 Desc2: --release -- --keystore="..\ (common CMD) Step 1 Desc3: srmschoolkey.keystore (Key store file name) Step 1 Desc4: --storePassword=srmeschoolps (keystore password in line 4 should not change) Step 1 Desc5: --alias=srmschoolps (keystore alias name in line 3 should not change) Step 1 Desc6: After build finsh copy the un-signed apk (app-release-unsigned.apk) into folder mentioned in line 2 (folder name => D:\Kiruthika\playstore_srm) Step 1 Desc7: After pasting the un-signed apk build in folder rename the un-signed apk to android.apk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2 for sign the builed apk Step 2 Desc1: Open the CMD prompt run step 2 cmd (jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore srmschoolkey.keystore android.apk srmschoolps) Step 2 Desc2: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore (common CMD) Step 2 Desc3: srmschoolkey.keystore (keystoe filename should not change) Step 2 Desc4: android.apk ( renamed un-signed apk ) Step 2 Desc5: srmschoolps ( alias name ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 for cert for builed apk Step 3 Desc1: jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs (common CMD) Step 3 Desc2: android.apk ( renamed apk ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 for generate signed apk Step 4 Desc1: zipalign -v 4 ( common CMD ) Step 4 Desc2: android.apk ( renamed apk ) Step 4 Desc3: srmschools.apk ( Name of signed apk going to generate after the CMD in step 4 ) Step 4 Desc4: After step 4 cmd srmschools.apk will be generated that should be uploaded in google play console -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- before 28-08-2021 Old is below ( Kiruthika ) New build and keystore commands ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setp 1 --- ionic cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\srmpublicschool.keystore" --storePassword=srmeschool --alias=srmschool ionic cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\srmpublicschool.keystore" --storePassword=srmeschool --alias=srmschool step 2 --- jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore srmpublicschool.keystore android.apk srmpublicschool pwd ---- srmeschool step 3 --- jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs android.apk step 4 --- zipalign -v 4 android.apk srmschools.apk Upload the srmschools.apk in google play console ------------------------------------------------- newly generated key: ------------------------------------------------- srmschoolkey alias_name = srmschoolps pwd = srmeschoolps --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cmd to generate new keystore --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- keytool -v -genkey -v -keystore just2try.keystore -alias someKindOfName -keyalg RSA -validity 10000 Issues facing while uploading apk in google play console If playconsole shows error for api sdk version Your app currently targets API level 27 and must target at least API level 28 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for security and performance. Change your app's target API level to at least 28 add this in congif.xml change the targetsdkversion in build.gradle